Your story matters to us

Get your papers within the U.S.

Bilingual Immigration Lawyers

By Attorney Brittanie

James Immigration Team group

How can we help you?


Call us to review your case

Your story matters to us! So the first step is to call us now to get to know you and understand your current situation.


We evaluate your case in detail

We take the time to listen to your story and look for solutions that fit your immigration case.


We accompany you in the process

You will have all our team and experience at your disposal, every step of the way until we achieve your goal.


Secure your future in the U.S. with us

Immigration law is perhaps one of the most complex branches of law. And we know that navigating the ever-changing U.S. immigration system can be a long, complex and costly process.

That is why having an honest and experienced immigration law firm handle your case can not only give you peace of mind, but also save you a lot of money in the long run.

Tell us your story, we may have the solution you need to finally fix your immigration status and have the peace of mind you deserve in the USA.

Do you want to know if you qualify for legal status in the United States?

Call us today and take the first step towards a better future for you and your loved ones.
Your story matters to us!

james immigration papers
Documentos James
Feliz familia con papeles James

Attorney Brittanie - James Immigration Law


Your story matters to us! It really does, that's why being transparent with you and your family members is one of our values.


You can be sure that you will always have the most accurate and up-to-date information about your case at the right time.


You are not a file number, nor are you just another invoice. You are a human being that we want to help achieve your goals in the United States.

Peace of mind

With our support and experience you can rest assured that everything is under control so you can enjoy life.

Your story matters to us

With us you can rest assured that we have years of specialized immigration experience, all with a focus on you, because your story matters to us.

Why are we different?

At James Immigration Law we are a law firm specializing solely in immigration law and under the guidance of Attorney Brittanie.

Unlike other larger law firms that may practice multiple areas of law (criminal, real estate, business, etc.) at James Immigration Law our passion is keeping families together and providing exceptional immigration advice.


What our customers say

About us


Our vision is to change the world through empowering immigrants to unveil their stories.


To provide a platform for immigrants to tell their stories, support them in securing the legal protections they deserve, and advocate for their rights in the United States.


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Abogadas James

By choosing us you can be sure that your immigration issues will be handled with honesty, transparency and a fierce determination for your rights.

Attorney Brittanie